Neck lift (goiter)

Fat deposits and excess skin in the neck have a negative influence on overall appearance, bringing significant changes to the whole physiognomy. The existence of a double chin causes discomfort and dissatisfaction related to personal image.


Removing excess fat and skin offers a new face form, with harmonious proportions.


To achieve a balanced physiognomy, a toned look and a well-defined jaw line, the neck lifting intervention is the safest and most effective solution.



What is a neck lift?

It is surgery that removes excess fat and / or skin from the goiter.


Who is it for?

It is recommended for people who have a double chin with different degrees of affection.

neck lift

How is neck lifting done?

If the excess skin is not large, a laser liposculpture is done specifically so as to eliminate excess fat. The laser tones the skin that will gradually withdraw naturally. Where excess skin is accentuated an incision is made behind the ears, in every part of the face, to stretch the skin and underlying muscle layer (located below).


The procedure is performed under general anesthesia (general anesthesia is the best choice for the patient’s safety and comfort in the realization of the operation). Hospital stay is one night only.


How long does the recovery take and what does it involve?

After the procedure, the patient has a compression bandage applied locally, to be held for 21 days. If incisions are made, they will have a topical bandage that also should be kept for 21 days. There may be local swelling and bruising, but they will disappear in a period between 3 and 14 days.



Who shouldn’t have the procedure?

This procedure is not recommended for patients with local skin infections or serious facial skin problems.


What are the risks involved?

Given that the procedure is performed by laser, the risks of bleeding, infection and accentuated pains are almost eliminated, leaving only a local light feeling of disturbances until healed, the only possible response remaining the formation of seroma (reaction body secrete a lymphatic fluid in the operated area), a reaction that once arisen, can be resolved spontaneously or can be remedied by a minor suction intervention.




This lifting surgery provides proportionality to the facial features, a defined jaw line and an ideal tonic and youthful facial appearance. Carried out in accordance with the particular needs of each patient, with cutting-edge technology and maximum professionalism, the laser goiter removal surgery done in our clinic provides the best results, long expected.